Monday, January 12, 2009

And it begins....

I recently moved to Los Angeles to start my master's degree. I have a super cute studio apartment by the beach, a super cute teeny dog named Pepper, and a super obsession with all things fashion. I spend hours each day perusing my favorite sites, that list including,,,,,, and the best place of all, eBay. The boyfriend suggested I start my own blog, perhaps because I bore him daily with talk about my current outfit, future outfit ideas, and what outfits did or did not look good on others. As an added bonus, this blog will allow me to more easily remember what I recently wore and where, in case there is a repeat mistake!

Lets start with this January Monday. No classes today, just grocery shopping (with my reusable Fred Segal canvas bags - can't have ugly shopping bags!), the bank, etc.

Elizabeth & James maxi XX tee, Target navy leggings, Minnetonka black lace-up moccasins, Goody headband around the forehead (the hippie way).

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